Grandviewtradings does fully respect intellectual property rights of third parties and has a strict zero-tolerance policy against any counterfeit and/or infringement of intellectual property. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes trademark or copyright infringement, please submit your complaint by report to . We will quickly respond to the rights of owners with any concerns they may have about any alleged IP disputes.
To claim a copyright or trademark complaint, please provide us with the following information:
A description of the IP rights that you claim has been infringed upon;
A description or web-link of the product you claim is being infringed;
Your contact information including: address, telephone number and e-mail address;
A statement by you made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the IP right owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
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The official text is the version of the website. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated website, refer to the version of the website which is the official version.